TOday is mr Lee 出殡日
My mum said the first singapore National day was a raining day, and after that year, singapore never had a raining national day again!
Yet today, singapore is raining, cats and dogs!
总共有100多万人这几天向他致敬!100多万哟 !新加坡那么小!
而这个个人 竟然可以让人不惜排10小时只为那段段的几秒 向他鞠个躬!
尚问为何要 4am 爬起来跑去parliament gehpo
That morning i genben 起不来 dunwan go le
Although I know that's the only time I can go, because I cannot tahan to wait for 8hours! So if I want to go must go on that time
And then there's something in me feeling uneasy to sleep back, which was pretty unusual
So i jing ran woke up! And went lo
Which only queue for 40minutes!
行礼的时候觉得好快 才三秒!我排了四十分钟咯!(how did those ppl manage to wait for 10hours?!)
Then 很不可思议这个伟人的的确确躺在那里 离我那么靠近!!
很遗憾 人都是难逃一死的
但在他的棺木前 却深深领悟到
“人固有一死 或轻于鹅毛 或重于泰山”
而这泰山 完全值得群众最后的致敬
His death is really making such an impact in Singapore
People starts to throw back and beginning to realise again his efforts for Singapore
GOod for the ungrateful young lads! 哼!
I know I am not a singaporean, but i truly respect this man, who sacrifices his life for the benefits of his country
I had always 钦佩 his wisdom and his efforts and sacrifices, whether is read from his books, or from my mum or sister, we used to talk about him
Still I heard there's alot of controversial issues of him, whether is his personal life or his cruel act towards his opponent or etc
But being a human,for me, he is not a 圣人, but a 伟人
That's why i like someone said that
"Good and necessary dont always come together"
Meaning that what he did may not be good, but is always necessary
Please la, If not, singapore will like this meh? But how much young ppl take his efforts for granted today? 哼!
This man had sacrifice his life, for the sake of the people's life!
every singaporean owe him yi ge 人情咯
how sad those aunties uncles will be right now as they had witnessed the growth of sg, from absolutely nothing, to what we see today!
it's raining heavily now, as seems as the sky are griefing with them..
His life may come to an end
But when you look at Singapore, you know that his spirit will always remains: the buildings,the river, the structure, the system, the organization, mrt, ns men, cleanliness, even the trees and flowers.....
R.i.p. this great man! -
Mr Lee Kuan Yew
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