Saturday, May 31, 2014
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
I look at the robots, the machines,
Wow, seems fun!
Oh, I have to stay with this for three years..
Threeeeee years o~
What will I be after three years?
Will I still fight hard or just stay the same be comfortable as I please..?
How long can I stay like this
How far will I go?
I m rechargeable but even pro phone have their own battery life
I start to wonder ,
energy consumed,
faith fades..
Monday, May 26, 2014
Saturday, May 24, 2014
Smell of my bolster
好难得的床 好难得的多大!
我回来啦 那个自己回来啦!
You only miss the sun when it starts to snow~
And now i miss the smell of my room, my bed and my bolster!
It smells.... nicer than DKNY! XD
So like that ..i was destined to be there lo
Three years, jiayou! XD
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Kia Su people everywhere
Abit disappointed and I know I should really work hard for the next!!!!
Being the third week here, I found out here,
nothing is the same with the old comfortable lazy life again!
Back in my little dato in pontian everything was so comfortable, u can be so carefree and nobody ever cares
u can show your laziness and basically I like to go to school (except for the waking up moment)
because that's a place to play and hang out with friends XD
u can broke all the rules super easily
u can run out from school an hour before school ends
u can late for almost everything, late for school, late for tuition, late for classes
u can ponteng in toilet, go there lepak, selfie, chat
stay up late for 15mins in recess everyday until miza come!
chit chatting in class all day long, sleep the whole class u like
and then u can choose to ponteng if you just don't feel like going to school
and most importantly, I cant remember any tough homework I got to finish, basically there's hardly any homework to finish at home
haha and then u don't really care if you will be punish for the misbehave or not,
because you've got your companion! and your laziness speaks louder xD
and then I remember form1 until form 4 our class always have DAMN LOT of kelas kosong,
our teachers pregnant ALOT hahaha or else just have their stuff to busy about
okay now I feel abit ashamed of some of my misbehave.. as I had been a teacher before
so.. sorry for those teacher I disrespect when I slept in class...or when I lazy do your homework... or when I chat in class :(
But it's still kind of great memory! xD
spm year is more normal then but
is not that tough than I thought it will be
Actually still the same chatting in every tuition and class hmmm....
a bit regret then, because I got so use to it I feel hard to stay quiet in class now :(
seriously, this is the kind of the FAMOUS AND HIGH CLASS KLUSTER DATO SCHOOL which a lot of people want to in? hmmm...
Basically the conclusion for secondary school life =
everything was done cin cin cai cai,
because nobody is being that serious about rules or principles in school
nobody is going to care much
sometimes I don't feel like I deserve those results
because of luck?
then that's really bad...because I got so used to depend on luck and not working hard
IN Poly,right here....
there's no any lucky-lady waving her hands at u!!
They take things REALLY serious
If you are late, you will be recorded late, and that affects a lot of things
If you feel like don't wanna go to school, u still have overcome your frustration to get up
because your attendance matters a lot to your results
and your results Speaks LOUDER than anything
But back there in pontian....
I was almost late everyday in school and tuition classes or even church....
and I am too good in procrastinating back there
It's so hard to change because u see I am still typing my blog now ignoring all those things I need to study :D
U have to be extraordinary early
like last time go to dato I can wake up at 6.45 and starts my car at 6.50 to drive to school which we had to arrive at 7.05am
and most of the time I still consider on time when I arrived xD
BUT HERE HOR, 9 o'clock class I HAVE TO WAKE UP AT 8AM!!!
and leave my home at 8.30 although my house is so near to school, if I had my small kancil I will just have to drive for 3-5 minutes like that :(
Have to wait bus, so slow, walk to school... grrr every morning is pure torture because instead of a 5 min car journey u actually spent about half an hour just to reach school..
hmphh :(
maybe this is the chance that God wants to change me.. :(
To change this bad habit of mine of procrastinating and being late all the time..
Back to the presentation stuff
So after the presentation there are this two guys from China
arguing with our lecturer
I didn't really care that I got a B or what I just feel that I have to do better the next time
but then I found out they care so much,
and then they actually want a distinction! (
do u know how crazy this is?
this is really crazy!!!
cause for me I think the courses are really difficult and to get a distinction in EVERYTHING...erm...
is not impossible but is a bit far from possible... maybe for me ...
and he is not the only one.. so many competitors!
because here the opportunity will not come to you bian bian,
but you have to find and seek it yourself!
even a little talk about presentation yesterday, so damn kiasu one = =
we already registered for that talk already, (the registration also need to queue up so long and need to actually RUN! to be the first to register it.... = =)
then we cannot find the place, then we went to ask the person in charge just told us that it's close
then I wonder why leh we already register leh
then she told us that... they accept 200 people for registration but they will ONLY PROVIDE 100 PLACES
saying nicely is first come first serve but the truth is just SEE WHO RAID THE PLACES FIRST....
walao = = like this also got...
Then I began to realize that here really really very competitive, much more competitive than what I thought it would be...
I am such a lazy girl which do things like green vege ( cin cai),
Never really working hard.... Always like the excited feeling of being last minute in everything... slow and enjoy the comfortable life of being lazy...
basically just wasted my life for the whole secondary school life
then suddenly realize I need to really change my super lazy attitude here,
in order to survive,
in order to not letting down my mum down and not wasting her money,
in order to strive for opportunity
in order to win a chance..
I need a change!!
I guess God wants me to become a better person here, through studying here
Getting out from my cosy bed, cosy home, cosy life
To be moulded so I can be sharper! just like my Chinese name hahaha :D
So.. next goal is to add this value firmly to my character:
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Because of who?
The same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
'Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break
The way you did, you fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far
I never strayed too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trustNot only me, but everyone around me
Because of you, I am afraid
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh, every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Every night in your sleep
I was so young, you should have known
Better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry, in the middle of the night
for the same damn thing
I never strayed too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side
So I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust
Not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you,
I am afraid.
A terrible insomnia night yesterday.
that super torture when u are so damn freaking tired but U CANNOT SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
every freaking sentence, every single word in this song knock my brain so hard like a hammer
and strucks my mind AND made it spun like a washing machine THE WHOLE DAMN NIGHT
and that continues until this morning ARGH
SEE! is because of you la!!
sleepless night because of you hmph!
aku cannot trust because of you also!
ku afraid and scare because of you leh!
aku cry and scream during that time in esp also because of you leh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
did u feel honored because no one can make me feel like that before? wow :)
but hor..grrrr I did nothing wrong what!
why should u do this to me!! WHY SHOULD U!
i was so cute and innocent and fragile....and noone ever bother to understand my sorrows!
then i cannot even tell anybody, i need to hide, i need to fake a smile oh well! I am so pityful~
okay, ya so to repay this unfairness
I should keep on blaming all those things happened and all WHO made it happened!
I am the victim! why should I quit from this! hey look! I am NOT the wrong one! I will never let this go because this is what I SHOULD feel about! Yeah man! If I let this go, then who will cares about my pride? Ya, I think I should just probably continue to blame..u,u,u,u,and this stupid world
and hate...?! probably :DDD
is it?
I thought everything had past and gone
but seems not.
I thought I had done enough to let it go with the wind~
But seems it's haven't gone that far.
I wonder why those heart muscles still clinch together when I was being reminded
I keep on asking why? why? WHY?!
because human are prideful.
and is it now going to sing another song ? But I'm only human~~
and then finding actually the real cause was just MYSELF
u never let it go completely..
u thought u did.. why? why not?
because is u who keep on clinging on the pain
is u who keep on self pitying yourself (john was right)
is u who wants to blame because u think u OUGHT to do that
is u who is waiting for someone who will never exist to come and tries to comfort u?
is u who allows yourself to feel bad for yourself
and also is u who let the darkness keeps on haunting you and eating you up
this is cruel, but is the truth.. = =
hey, valerie chang
what are you still holding on?
dont u ever think all those sadness was not only because of the people, but yourself?
time flies, things had changed
why are u still struggling to let go this piece of broken vase?
you asked God to take away the sadness, He did!
God did His part, then... what about you?
you are still narrow-minded, because of the nature pride, u don't FEEL like to let this go aren't you?
this is just pure stubborn, oh taurus... oh ...
so there you goes, started to blame everything AGAIN when u heard those type of songs..:)
yes, now I know why, why sleepless night
this is not a song for u to cling on to your sadness
this is not for you to let u feel that you are so pityful,
"yeah everyone is the bad guy, I am the good guy.."
"...aww~ i am so pityful that I cried alone in the middle of the night..:'( "
o.0 have to admit this could be so asham to say it all out,
because you never trust anyone so nobody ever knows about you much,
and this is so surprising for everyone ! xD
But i think is enough.. it's really enough!
I had enough of myself, I shouldn't go on like this anymore
enough of the sorrows that I made for myself, enough for all the endless nights, enough of blaming just to satisfy your pride!
at the end of the day,what's the purpose of self-pitying if there's a Him who love you so much
who back up for u and then loves all your dark side and be with you during all those darkest time?
walao eh! why keep on licking your wounds and dont let it dry up?
yes, u are really pityful, when u really think u are!
Of course you can still choose to blame and hate and complain,
of course you can still feeling yourself so pityful
of course you can still desire for someone to hug and kiss and dotes on u
of course you can still drowning up yourself in your own misery
of course you still can!
but that's going to hurt you even more!
when problems come, u will continue to blame and feel so sad for yourself and complain everything is unfair
and then u will have tons of sleepless night
So go ahead! If you want to continue being someone like that :D
Being honest to yourself really isn't easy, in fact, it could be the hardest thing ever in this life
The truth are always so hard to face, you wanna run away from those real ugly stuff about yourself
u act, u fake,
like an ostrich u run away from it
and practice on a real good mask
but then u realize that was so tired,
buried and hid it doesn't mean that it will disappear!
Out of sight, but never out of mind
u thought nobody understands u
nobody will ever love all your dark sides
nobody will ever want to care about u
and then u feel you are so pityful.. aww
and then u scream why why why why am I here to suffer from all those silly stuffs?!!!??!
meaningless life!
stupid babi!
why always forgot that very stupidly-endless-sacrifice mom? and dad? and HIM??
o o..
sorry Lord, I don't mean to be disrespectful :P
cause is just not normal to love that much for someone who dont really deserve it
okay, maybe as a mortal, as human's limited knowledge of LOVE
and then, while searching for the lyrics of "because of you" by kelly clarkson
I accidentally found this which kind of leads me to all those honest conversation to myself without myself realized.
lol once again
:D thank you God for actually guiding me to the roots of my problems,
although it might not look so good and it's kind of disgusting but yet u give me the courage to deal with it! hahaha
and also give me the courage to be honest with it!
So this is another version of because of You,
which actually links to the upper version
because, because of this version of Because of You, I got something new from that old Because of You!
with a grateful heart, always remember this, ah moi valerie:
Because of You, I'm ransomed by Your grace
Because of You, my heart has found a home
A refuge for my soul
Because of You, heaven knows my name
Because of You, I can live again
You've broken every chain
Unfailing Love, so unreserved
You gave Yourself on Calvary
And now I stand, forever free
My Saviour rescued me.
Because of You, the broken have a song
Because of You, there's no need to fear
Hope steadfast, ever sure
so hopefully,
I got a real FULLSTOP this time :D
Jie er! another novel for you to read! xD
Saturday, May 17, 2014
Lost in Thoughts
This is like 强迫症
Iam so damn freaking tired but i still here
Thrist for going online
Like i had never ever had a data before!
I had so much struggles since the first day i stepped into poly
New school new environment new friends new classmates
You just have to get use to things
With some experiences before,
I constantly remind myself to cling on the values I had always believed in
Because is so damn painful seeing the one u trusted so much going to a new environment then becoming someone u might need to know them again as a stranger
And I am very scared that someday i will be one of those too :(
When things are not the same as ur cosy little nest in small pontian anymore
I admire some people smartness which can adapt things so fast like a chameleon but i find myself could just being link to a koala bear
Lol /.\
Now here comes the real thing
Your principles, faith, values, will be challenged
And nobody ever knows either u win or the opposing world wins
So these two weeks i was thinking the same thing again and again and again
Here mixed with people of different kinds
Okay especially girls
To be frank, sometimes i dont know what's in mind of a girl either grr
But like my sis said
Girls like to compare ALOT
This i know la!
And this really damn influence my emotions alot!
I dont know but my brain seriously keep on spinning endlessly with stupid stuffs
But then i think back those days how they told me about God loves u
Seems like imaginary stuff but actually is true and u just have to keep on remembering this
That helps alot
Because He will gives u the confidence u need
U know it when u got it
somehow as a human u can understand how people will think and say
How rude and hurtful comments and thoughts that will pop out from their mind or mouth
Ah! Taking it as advices is good but caring it too much is not a good thing
I know this since long ago but is hard to apply that because we are always putting our confidence in people
They say u good then u think u good
They say not good then u really think is bad
This is an identity-searching age
Sometimes i also dont know what to do, but i think the best thing to do is always remember Him
To humbly seek Him, putting all your mask aside and take a good careful observation at your heart
there are many destination u can be led to,
I think atitude serve as an very important role in finding your path
So the heart had to be guided and guarded
By yourself,
by Him
Besides theorical knowledge,
I guess this is a life where we ought to learn how to think how to feel how to act everyday,
How to mould Your personalities, your attitude
Through Him
To be a better person,
To make the world a better place!
Lol seriously i am being so serious now haha
Walao i feel like flying now ahhha so tireddddd hehe
So,My 强迫症 should end now!
Goodnight! Haha xD
Friday, May 16, 2014
Going to watch some stuffs with my roommate! So excited!
Jump jump jump xD!
Mama, i m getting thinner everyday which i so pekcek about TT
I plan to find a job asap!
So i can have more money to eat!
And thanks God for the people around me
And.. something i got from here and pontian:
You are not less than anybody unless u think u are
And even u think u are, u are never so call "much better" than anybody
So why? Why compare against useless stuff?
And No matter what stay true and honest to yourself
Losing people u care is painful, but much worse if u ever lose yourself.
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Monday pink!
Tomorrow is a school day again!
So the last two days i had my battery charged
So tomorrow is a brand new start of the week!
New day with a New heart sit for a exam which is new to me too!
Jiayou! Haha!
So if things are meant to happen, it will!
Learn from it!
Hiding away from it doesn't actually helps !
Haha! Sweet dream!
Saturday, May 10, 2014
但后来 整个感觉就是少了什么
后来才发现 少了就是那些人
我不知道 我现在才发现每次陪我不专心听课的人真的超重要
四 五天 开始了解这个根本不是你
没有人在旁边给你打 给你捏 给你玩
没有人给你抱 没有人给你靠
看起来好像很可笑 难怪都听不懂吗
习惯了那么久 突然间你的头永远只可以看前面 不可以乱乱倒
要多久 才可以习惯这个新的系统?!
真的 没有什么是理所当然的啊
Tuesday, May 6, 2014

First monday
I really so glad to have a wonderful person here!
She accompanied me to a lot of important places and help me a lot a lot a lot!
Haha thank you!
This person is..... Yihui! Haha
Minghui's sis!
I wonder if God send u to me
As an angel haha haha
Very kuazhang
But really happy ah!!
If not I really don't know what to do
Hope I can really fit into my class asap!
Although really quite scary la
Now I know what is it like to be a 插班生!!
Hmph!! Jiayou!
And the physics I hope I can get it through too!
Hope to have some angels to help me with that too soon hahahab
And throughout those "independent" time at school
I feel so warm when someone who tried to help me !
Although is just a lab coat and some directions when I got lost
But it feels so gooooood to have someone actually being nice with u!
Especially in that kind of situation where people don't actually bother much about u
and hor my class got so damn many boys!!!
I know I have to keep on reminding myself
To be myself be myself! Haha
As u know girls tend to act more differently in front of...boy! Hmmm
I don't really had been with so many boys before around me and I think I need to...feel like one! Think like one!
Keep calm n be a cool engineer!
Now if jieer wants comment sure say "u already is!"
Don't know why suddenly think of this haha
And I think people from different country
Acts differently
Big difference!!!
I need to get use to it Asap too!
:D goodnight
Sunday, May 4, 2014
White hair
If only if that's my fault
Ya my fault
Ya, blame ? go ahead
I am just a girl who only knows how to complain, to get angry, to receive but not give
a spoil brat and never knows how to appreciate anyway
Ya,That's your truth
But what's the standard of being thankful?
U set the standard
And I have to fulfill every single expectation?
I really don't know what I have to do
It's Never enough
Why are u blaming me?!
What have I done?!
Can u tell me?
I know u are trying to let me understand how much pain you went through
Trying to let me understand how to be thankful
As seem as if to understand all these is not enough
I feel that your logic is that I have to suffer the same too right?
Cause that's seem fair?
To throw your pain at me
Ya, pretty fair
If not... I can't seem to find the point
Or can u please explain to me
Why did I felt like I am the one to take every single blame?!?!?!??!
Behind each "because of you.." there lies a newton of pressure
Saturday, May 3, 2014
Truth wearing LiesChanel bag
還沒有去到課 還不知道真正的classmate是誰!
然後真的是感覺很獨立 一個人上課一個人去找老師
哈哈哈 是有點可怕
可是也還好啦 還好有senior的照料!
不再纯真 越来越丑陋
然后会越来越冷漠 不敢再那么真诚
pastor kayhoe之前不懂教什么的时候讲过一个东西 很记得一下
"...So no need be surprised by the changes.
Don't be surprise by the ugly truth.
Dont be surprise by the evils! "
什么来的 这样不是很冷漠
变质了 也不用惊讶??
prince of the world?!!?!??!
之前都不明白要怎样这样潇洒又可以充满能量 /.\
啊 可能就是要学着释怀
哈哈 近到不用看3D都很3D!
就是很英雄 但是他女朋友死掉也!(哈哈 说出来啦)
然后 这种戏就不用太在乎那些不逻辑的地方
zz dry humour
okay, 看看发电王 哈哈
还学到了 不管多艰难
还是要爬起来 爬起来
You've gonna get up and try and try and try!
是很难啦 不过要一直记得选择在于你!
哄?张利利小妹妹 : D?!
Greatest thing of all in this earth:
Thursday, May 1, 2014
On my nerve...
I met angels recently
which I never expect to meet them before :D
yay! Thanks God
from the first day in SG until today!
haha and I found my room finally!!
and the WiFi here is awesome! hahaha
DOTA2 was downloaded in a blink of eyes!!!!!
haha not really but really very impress by that :D
okay.. for the serious thing...
Now for tomorrow..
just feeling abit..*actually super duper nervous for tomorrow
just a very important thing
please have some sweet girls in my class
pleasee pleaseeeee
argh, if lousy things happened maybe I might go to cut my hair short again!!!!!
and...from those informations I heard..
This is going to be difficult
and starting to feel regret..regret for last two years!!!
Chang LILI, what are u doing last year?
so those dydx and logics and transistors are going to play a big role in my course
I am so regret right now
oh and
They said this course gonna have a lot of test
will tomorrow turn out to be like...
"oh next monday you all gonna to have a test :)"
"oh valerie please do this presentation for us next monday :D"
I had already late for two weeks!
God please give me the wisdom!
getting more and more nervous
after thinking more and more possibilities that might happened
okay should just stop thinking so much now
So, no matter what challenges awaits ahead
I guess there's just one thing I've got to know,
the more the challenges, the more u know how much you need Him!
IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF HIM AH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!