Thursday, October 30, 2014


I think reading blogs especially friends' blogs is better than all those facebook and insta
Because all those sincere words could have amazing effects
I dont know but you can feel closer to someone, is like constantly bonded, is like friendship never fades


本来我是累到快昏倒 已经gong到很贵的那张mrt 卡差点掉在巴士上!
哈哈哈 可是我真的被某个罗默默的沉默吓到哈哈哈

话说 今天做工到一半 有三个面目凶恶的(有钱?)人来用餐
然后那个时段超级忙 然后他们很麻烦是真的
加汤了不满意怀疑我们的汤 一开始又不要讲好好 还敢讲我 哼!
哎呀 总之到最后 他们又举手
。。。这种在出现电视的桥段 竟然会发生在我身上
然后就这样 不知道manager有没有被骂

有对老夫老妻 像我ahma的年龄
男的过生日 还一起来庆祝看电影
还有一堆阿公阿嫲级的 那个阿公在那里介绍阿嬷好玩的iphone game
还有今天那个有点清秀的厨房仔跟我讲话哈哈 本来想假假拖一下等他一起走 可是真的是累到很现实地准准收工

太搞笑了 哈哈哈哈
害旁边那个看韩剧的a.k.a.跟我说我卡掉的一直用很奇怪的眼神转过来 然後讲了三次sorry因为不小心笑太大声!

好了 真的是累到

Monday, October 27, 2014


For you those aren't essensial to maintain a living
In your eyes, it's only cash.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Holocaust

看完了the pianist就会觉得



几小时前在想右脚又痛了 以后会不会不能走路  为什么偏偏是我天生膝盖歪一边勒!
几分钟前还在想为什么洗个衣晾个裤都要提心吊胆 怕auntie发现  好像什么偷鸡摸狗的事这样 虽然还是被发现了 然后的确感受到心跳漏一拍的滋味


有东西吃 有东西喝 有衣服穿 有地方住

虽然。。有时候连洗个衣 冲个凉 泡个水也要像小偷一样偷偷摸摸
也没有电视机看 没有得玩dota

虽然有时候会讨厌学校 不屑同学
虽然 有时会因为比较讨厌自己
虽然有时候会无端端地觉得自己什么都没有 连用也是

咳,虽然有时候会想为什么没有这个没有那个别人有我没有世界不公平我很可怜etc etc
是啦 有时候就是这样啦满脑子都想着埋怨怪谁

可是 到最后 我究竟还需要什么勒
是拥有得太多 所以奢望着更多?

当珍贵的东西都失去了 一无所有的瞬间


必须常常被提醒 被灌输
才会一直记得 同样的一个道理

Be thankful! Be grateful!

才会一直意识到 上帝很爱你

Hmm? Hmmm? Hmmmm?!
后天可能就忘了要记得感恩这回事哈哈可是至少我打出来了啊 可以重温提醒hohoho

那个戏名是 The pianist! 不错啦!


然后呢, 我的衣服终于洗好了 娃哈哈 可以睡觉了!

Thursday, October 23, 2014


You know the atmosphere is not right sometimes


And i hate it!!

How i wish u all could be here or how i wish i could be like u!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Really, i thank God for today
Thank you :') < what a palia face of 感动 looks like

And also, please remind and teach me more for the word:

And not only just

Monday, October 20, 2014

School reopened!

And i cant help feeling excited to see the girls
At the same cant help feeling wu nai and sometimes empty and sometimes helpless


God T.T

Thursday, October 16, 2014

这是生平第一次 唱歌唱到那么正经八百

可能太无聊 所以

你知道的 !

就想到唱praise and worship 的时候 感觉到的是
空荡荡的心被填满 被充电 被融化


同样是歌 同样优美的旋律

Nothing to do in mrt

I was in a midst of wooing an ou xiang ju which was introduced to me very long time ago by a girl that is.. quite admired by me :D

是的! jiang jiang! ~程又青 李大仁
过时蛤我知道哈哈 不过现在流行复古吗

HAha It's quite a nice plot la although sometimes the storyline is very unrealistic I know
Story of green again, who always have a big human by her side, somemore is a handsome one leh!
So envy right! Like what hocier said.. hmph!

But i still find myself hard to not be dreamy
Haiz, is it everyone who watch those kind of ou xiang ju will wish to be like the main female role
And then i have to spend my time to pull myself out of that fantasy
Sometimes, i know is not that i dont feel like watching those kind of o.x.j., but i understand myself enough that i know if the drama is soo good, i will definitely fall deeply obsess into the drama and 欲罢不能

现实 偶像剧, 傻傻分不清楚

And then have to waste my strength and mana to wake up back to this real life
I scare that kind of addiction, being so addictive that you actually using up all your time, whole day thinking about it ,whole night dreaming about it and then imagining things blah blah blah

So pekcek, then you could be so disappointed to your own dull life and so you feel constantly empty that you need another good drama to fill u up,
I know! cause this kind of o.x.j is like last time those 小说 which i can stay up all night to read and dream that i am the one living inside the story

And i was right!
Even last night before i fell asleep, my brain was so deeply affected by the drama scene tha i kept have the scene popping inside my head that makes me insomnia and i didn't really sleep well and even dreamed of my own scene with my brain cells plotting the story

Make me today so tired and disappointed to wake up, somemore at 5 leh!

I know it could relieve stress and is a good entertainment but
It's my own problem la i know TT

but what should i do!! Haha
Slap myself or pour myself ice water? Haha ice bucket challenge meh!

Ahhh! Only can say luckily i didn't bring back my pendrive to copy the drama back here if not...... TT( Of course i will go back and finish it soon but i don't want myself to keep thinking of it!)
And luckily auntie house here have NO wifi access! 是祸是福!?haha

Alright, and luckily my own little mind remind me of how unrealistic those o.x.j. can be and let me come to realise that this is the only life i had
Be grateful and live well!!
Don't envy a not real thing la aiyo
You dont have lidaren but
you have a God to be with you all the time and the Holy Spirit inside you!
And family, friends who always make u feel happy and blissful! XD

But of course the drama is nice and it has alot of good 人生大道理 too!

It's just..... i need to wake myself up!

Okay, finally, " yio chu kang"! Hehehe

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

LOL I was amazed by how fast the module was being taken by people
2 minutes!!!! and almost half of the language class was gone!!!!!!!!
It was 9.30a.m. and 9.32a.m. when I chose B1 suddenly said full!!! Scare die me
luckily still got B2!!
Okay, thank God I got to choose what I want!!! 

#Just a post ranting about the kiasuness in my life ahhaha

Sunday, October 12, 2014

I never know my knee cap is not properly situated in the right position!! Therefore, I have a higher chance to have knee cap problem, as my soft bone could be easier to wear and tear!

okay, thanks lao da yiyi for concerning :D
She have such a kind heart ....

Anw, I am here to rant
I don't feel like going to church all of a sudden
I don't know, I shouldn't influence negativity, so...
Goodbye .

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Comparison sucks

I rmb the video shown in PTI, by what? Joshua Harrison is it? What to guard pure love
I rmb he told a story of two sisters
(Something like this...)
Younger one is pretty and slim
Older one is fat and not so good looking
They are very close to each other but
One day they quarreled till very shiong
and the older one finally blurt out things that she hold very long : " You know what?! Life is so unfair! I am so tired of you of being pretty and slim and being liked by everyone! "

And the mei mei blurt back : "What?! I am more of the one who felt that life isn't fair! I am so sick of guessing the people's intention around me while you having all the sincere friends around you!"
Then the moral is that no need envy others something like that

Do you still remember it?
Although u might not believe.
I know, you just wont believe there's nothing to admire of
Or perhaps u did it from the wrong person?

I dont know

"Everybody hurts"
lol like what naomi's blog titled
Hahahha no lah
But can heal one ma

Anw i am so grateful for the book that i bought for myself last year hahaha
It may not neccessary be good and beneficial to everyone but i found it quite suitable for me neh
That's "Life without Limits" by Nick Vujicic, ya that guy with no limbs and you might have been sicked of keep on hearing his name and the things he did
Ohoho but still i want to recommend it because i'm not happy, am not satisfied with life, angry with God and feel very empty alot of times 

And I do feel this book is wise enough to  help alittle, or more! because i havent finish it yet haha
It's not only because he do not have limbs that  i am in awe, it's also because the feelings he gave me through his book!

But then if you are happy and contented with your life and world or very wise, then u dont really need it la!

Wow! I really do hope to listen to his talk one day

Monday, October 6, 2014

zi ai zi zhong

"To live without limits and survive any major challenge, you must believe in your own beauty and value as someone who can make a difference, someone who matters.
You must love yourself, accept who you are, just as God loves all who are faithful.

Self-acceptance and self-loving are important but often misunderstood concepts these days.
Too many teens and adults settle for a more superfial meaning when they buy into the extremes of narcissism and self-indulgence.
This is due, in no little part, to the cult of beauty and celebrity promoted on reality shows, movies, podcasts, and videos.
*When you watch those shows, it is easy to forget that life has a greater purpose than looking good, living in luxury, and hooking up.

We are continually bombarded with messages that we need to have certain look, a certain car and a certain lifestyle in order to be fulfilled, loved, appreciated, or considered successful.

When you caught up in material goods and surface beauty, and when you let other people determine your value,
*you give up too much of yourself and risk letting your blessing go to waste.

Look inside. There's a light in you waiting to shine."

Isn't that wonderful how he describe the feelings , thoughts and desires?
And how he encourage?
I like the way he talks about it.
句句真实 惊叹不已!

Gaining something from Nick Vujicic xD
And also ate butechige and shopped dresses of 10sgd ohoho

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Oh yeah!

When is my sis going to change phone

Hey!! All i want is just...can download back instagram

There's so many people I wanna stalk but I have got no medium to do it wahlaoTT and the webpage insta is soooo laoya

Awwwwhhhhh, okay today, i am so grateful that i can smile and laugh whenever I feel like

Because my ulcer has ceased! Whohohoho, tomorrow it's church time! And i do hope to gain something xD

Although our convo MAY have come to an end  (sorry i might be alittle weird, aiya dont care so much la) but still i am glad that u are doing good! Alright! Things have change dont u ever live in the past back to reality please

I always dont like to agree with zodiac's personality but that day i saw 金牛其实很念旧.. mai siao siao? Okay, perhaps lo! 

Anw i have no insta to post stuffs so.... i gonna do it here xD

 no, bloggie, dont ever feel like u are just a 代替品, u are still damn important to me in other waysxD

So, here it goes!

The only best thing to do when working in such a place is that you can choose what to eat everyday! Ohoho
It's a little exp but hey u only pay 40%  so i really think it's a once-in-a-lifetime experience!
(So you know how much they'll earn...)
And i swear i gonna try them all before 3months past! Hehehehhee
Too bad it's not available for sashimi
But it's okay i still have others

This is actually the main reason why i join this company at first
So my dream come true!

Wahahaa lousy photos quality but it's not affecting the food quality wahahhaa okay actually the taste it's not really worth the price for common customers but it's definitely worth for 60percent off 

But another price u have to pay is that....
have to become a 收盘ah sam 

Invading ulcer

I am so glad to go to CS today with a bigboober
Hahaha i dont know what to happy actually but i am glad!
And gosh Anabelle was such a torture to me but it's fun watching with the bigboober's dress and with she beside me

But the conclusion is that
Next time watch this type of movie really should go with your crush~ohohoho gt excuses to .... hehhe

Anw i feel so gangkor today feeling so happy and jumpy but i couldn't really show much all the time
I know i being so bin o since yesterday for most of the time
I know when i working or serving the customer sure thouht i bushuang or what
Sorry I cant help it also!
Gonna hide the 嘻嘻哈哈face for a while
Seriously i really damn hate this stupid stupid ulcer
It hurts even when i didnt move!

Zz finish complaining
And gonna off the light alone!
Since just watched Anabelle so gotta have this in mind
"Jesus love me this I know, for the bible tells me so..."

Thanks booby for lending me the dress as a good mask to cover <3

Thursday, October 2, 2014


那么深 那么痛

Ulti ah ulti

想尽办法distract 那种痛苦

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

I can do itttttt..........!

Once upon a time, Mum used to told me my richy dagu and gu zhang is the taogeh of a bunch of international schools in KL
She told me all her kids studied in international school
And the kiddos in international school are mostly handsome and pretty angmo,
mum said they've got happy schooling hours everyday,
handsome and beautiful angmos everywhere,
no caning,

Wahhhhhh! then I got so admired those who could study there!

But yeah the school fees...even if my parents sell my rambah 47 also cannot afford
So it was a high class place for me as a little 平民, stay far away in my little dream!

I even dreamed before in my stupid night dreams i went to the school as a poor kid and found a handsome richy guy who likes me wahahhaa sounds so korean drama (金丝草?)

Then today, i actually got a chance to visit one international school
I know it's a bit sua gu to be like wah wah wah but hey! it used to be my small silly dream!
i went there to actually watch a teacher to conduct a piano class with the kids
And the kids are soooo damn cute lol gold hair blue eyes
if CU is here all the kid's chins are in very dangerous situation!

So is a kind of my dream come true situation, in another way
Okay, it's not that luxurious which i dreamed of but yea, it's really alot handsome and pretty angmo kids inside all right, ahhhh cannot take sides right haha,
So ALL are cute!!!
They are about 5-6 years old(xiaoxin's age)
But i can't imagine myself whose the one standing in front teaching them to wriggle their fingers
Attention attention! Low self confidence here ahhhhhh

First is because i have no idea whether I can conduct the class nicely or control the class propely
Of course they are no kiampak labixiaoxin's pattern there,
But they've got those accent gosh i felt so nervous when i cant understand what they are saying TT

And is not like those gausan kiampak kids you can hit them and scold them  if they misbehave erm but here their parents paid so much for 爱心教育?
Haiz, i dont know..
So i start to wonder am I able to do this?
Mama said I just got to try, who knows if i never try?
Ya lo, but then i realised my english is so... singlish which the event PL commented this yesterday
And my grammar i know i know it's jialat sometimes i know!
I really need to mend my English ASAP cannot lose those kids sia haha oh no they don't use sia

I dont know what to do, i dont know if i can do this, i dont know if i can cope it with studies, i dont know if i can act confidently in front of the kids!
And plus i dont know what to wear lol my wardrobe in Singapore are basically just plain tshirt and shorts which doesn't look professional, abuden is those 睡衣 look!


Is okay, chill chill chill!
You gotta try!
Train your english and ask God for confidence!

Just being a bit insecure now,
But I know He will be with me all the time!
And Sorry Lord for what I did this morning,
It's always like this, recycling but I am really sorry. Ahhhhh

Nothing much to say anymore hmm, just thank God for everything!
Ahh tonight gonna be soooooOOOO lonely .....!

Ahhh luckily I havent watch Annabelle ==
It's still okay!

Oh and one thing to be grateful for today:
Grateful for being alive and able to have the chance to taste French Rose Tea!