Saturday, August 11, 2018

not the love yourself by jb

I just want to write something
why is it so hard to love yourself
why is it so hard to let go of the idea of somebody else
why is it just so hard to not compare yourself with someone else

why is it so difficult to truly love, every part of yourself,
be proud of yourself,
proud of your flaws,
proud of your looks, wrinkles that you hated, a nose that is round and big,
big forehead, pointy ears etc etc

I believe in the beauty within is more important,
I believe that your inner self can be the most powerful weapon to fight this world,
but it's broken inside,
everything outside is a lie,
Smiley face,
Hate and desperation inside
you dislike yourself
you feel unconfident, uncomfortable, stressed out by people's opinion
You need confirmation from others,
your happiness is dependent on someone else,
is not from within

you need someone to love you in order to love yourself,
you need God, need parents, need a lover, need friends to love you before you can learn to love yourself
Isn't it should be the other way round?
It's blessed to have people to love you,
but what about yourself?
why are u hating yourself so much

all the hates, the discouragement, the disagreement comes from the outside,
it stays within

Love yourself first before you love others
小学道德教育教了  人要懂得自爱 先爱自己才懂得如何爱别人
It's not about self-indulgence, its the recognition and acceptance of your true-being

but it's so hard
how could it be any easier?

but whatever it happens
it's okay, 至少还有自己