Tuesday, October 27, 2015

My girl generation

其实我是想看 但根本没有真正打算要去戏院看我的少女时代!

看完了觉得比那些年好看勒!可能像他们说的 那些年是给男生看的
而这个是给女生啊 (白痴看名字就知道啊)
然后女主角也没有等一个人咖啡那么像许伊宁了哈哈哈 样子有像 但因为性格有点差异啦所以不会错乱了哈哈

虽然我也觉得徐大宇很帅有点以前想象的安宇风的味道!嗯 这也是种怀旧方式啊!哈哈
哎呀 90年代的高中诶 就没有大姐二姐的那种回忆的感触 也没有以往沉迷于爱情故事的感觉
可是!导演很会拍啊!女主角也好会演啊 她那个转过头眼泪忍不住掉下来的那一幕
开心 难过 感动 
单纯诚恳 义无反顾
哎呀 那种真心就是很难回去的那种真心啊

总之那个很像许伊宁的女演员演到很到位啦 害我很入戏!而且拍到很美诶 

要去打Hockey 了啊

Monday, October 26, 2015


I watched the matrix in the afternoon 
and fthen fight club at night and my mind is so freaking messed up 
These two movies were recommended by a post in Fb, ten movies you should watch something like that 
Fight club was a movie about this guy freeing himself
But the movie is very not logical and II had such a huge question mark in my head after watching it rhen I go and Google
Then u know what I found!!!!!!!!!!!! Jingran It's the same director of Se7en and gone's girl again!!!!!!
It's David fincher!!!! David fincher!! CBC most admired director!(just saying)u
No wonder so 悬疑 and weird !!!!
Then can see all different interpretations of the movie because this director always make story goes like that one 
Then you go wow wow wow wow wow  by those interpretation but basically it's just some little hidden meaning which I think it's very cool
Like the guy, the exact male lead actor, has no names
Which to imply that guy, is just like any normal human beings , we are all very ordinary, could be anyone, you and me 
And then you could be so into the movie 到最后才发现一开始以为的都是错的!
害我久久无法自拔 回不来现实啊

Btw !one more brain-exploding movie! the matrix is really chio as well and you can see that somehow it was like the father of INCEPTION u
It was a movie about humans living in a deceiving world programmed by the matrix who creates an illusion that the world we are living is real but actually it isn't 
And when you are being sticked by those tubes you will go into the programme world (like inception)
If you ever doubt the reality of your life you might have the potential to wake up from this dream and you will find the cruel reality of your own species being used to create energy and power for the matrix to live and you spent your whole life believing things that doesn't even exist !!!!!!
So the main chio idea is: how do you define real? Is it by your senses? Or by what science law?
Could everything be just an illusion

And there super chim deep meaning behind this movie, starting from the names you have trinity, Zion, the One, and an Greek dream God name which I forgot how to spell, and the blue and red pills 
And they keep on emphasise on FREE from your mind 
Then Hor if the people start to doubt about their life or find something wrong it's because of the bug of the code of the program created by the matrix 
每次玩game 的那种bug勒!是不是感觉就好像game里那些Dota hero还是maple mushroom一直以为自己是真的活在现实中直到发觉为什么我有时候可以穿过别人的身体(不合理的地方)才发现自己其实只是个虚幻人物活在虚拟电脑世界里 然后做这些program的就是我们人类  但它们是醒不来的啦 其实我就在乱比喻可是感觉也有像
Actually last time got a period of time where I start to write about depression I got told my mum about this issue about suddenly feeling everything seems very unreal and keep on questioning myself is everything real around me? Like Is everything happened that REAL? Could it be a dream? (Don't know whether is because I daydream too much or what) then after watching the matrix I recall back to that incident Hahahhaa maybe there was a bug then?!?

So in a nutshell the whole idea both movie is just It's so..........天马行空不可思议却很厉害的idea 
I only watched the first matrix la, next time have to watch the other two to get the full story

Actually before that I watched hotel translavania 1, it's animation, quite nice and cute lovey Dovey and much simpler , I had fun btw! 
Then the matrix make me feels so unreal
And then at night fight club makes me wonder about my mental health
Everything is possible......in a movie!

Sunday, October 25, 2015


在这种情况下步行过长堤 因为爸爸姐姐妈妈阿姨在等着我啊所以要在最短的时间内抵达
结果估计错误 一路只有我和他!

但!他却很细心 一路走一路捡路边的垃圾 这种是平凡中的伟大啊!
他应该是明白虽然自己力量微薄 但总好过什么都没做的道理
因为他过后表扬我ahmoi kuat Jalan ah 所以也想在这里表扬他一下
 我今天其实去了arrow youth service 然后觉得NCC教会虽然很大 视觉效果很好 讲道也很新鲜 但整个community好像就是少了些什么 表面上好像很棒但感觉像缺少了某些很重要的东西 可能因为陌生不适应啦 但我就很想去church 所以就随便去了 却其实没有得到很多勒 有点纳闷

然后刚刚燕妮妹妹欣怡打电话来邀请我明天去她的教会 我问她怎样的 她跟我讲她的教会很特别 
怎么说呢 大家都很真那样 
我就突然发现 诶! 刚才觉得缺少的好像就是真心诶 
然后明天的主题是inside out 哦!可是7.15就要在Sembawang meet le虽然很想去可是却心有余而力不足 
再看怎样先啊~ 起床这件大事真的很难说 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Pikpiak (last week one)

I thought you will always be alright, taking your wellbeing for granted, forgetting that you are made fragile
Anywhere could break you
Anything can destroy you
Still I didn't make my effort to protect you
I thought you are strong enough to bear and went through every situation, no matter how tough it might be
I am so sorry my phone screen.....
没想到蜡笔小新威力无穷啊 才撞几天就变这样

I forgot how weak life could be 
Always thought naively that anything or anyone around will stay forever by your side
Never thought that goodbye could come rushing so fast that any measurement for time could not even comprehend
Once again, please look around and be grateful 
And Sameer, my friend who got involved in an accident on Sunday night, I still pray that you can be strong, there's still a lot of blank pages in your life book ahead 
I don't know what to say here it's just not knowing any help could be done..Hope that I still can visit you after I am back from Japan, pray that you will get better, even if chances are that low, Jiayou okay?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Okay其实我错了 gomenasai...to the last post
大家都对我好好啊 真的 
然后 其实是自己...

After a long chat although there's no conclusion but still I feel so back to myself now!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 3, 2015

应该是因为看太多次inside out

Tomorrow or rather say tmr tmr ..actually is tomorrow ...going to Kita Kyushu Liao
I am so nervous lor!!!!!!!
我们有十个人 一个老师 
很担心会跟那些很大男人主义的人一组然后只有看的份 因为他们觉得你什么都不会 也懒得跟你说 然后这时候就会觉得马来西亚男生真的比较好 大多数啦
唉........也是很担心会很闷啦 因为都是在参观机械之类的东西....

放轻松 深呼吸
虽然这不是旅行没有去哪里 不过有一个值得开心的是可以去野原他们一家生活的国家勒!至少应该也可以感受到一点点他们的生活方式吧 

唉可是....怎么办 一直想到那些很......的pattern就觉得很显.... 平时在学校是会一起啦 会讲话什么都会 然后觉得还好因为学校才一下子吗  可是要一起每天从早到晚都相处好难抱着期待的心态...  啊!怎么办!!为什么变得那么心胸狭窄了 又不是一辈子还是几年几个月 please la才8天而已 心宽一点啦
而且你的心情开心与否 怎么可以那么容易被别人左右呢 
其实他们就是做他们自己啦 你干嘛突然在这里暗自不爽别人勒 你之前都不会这样觉得的咯 还整天去人家的公寓玩 他们虽然有时很讨人厌 可是心地还是不坏的吗 而且也帮了你很多东西啊!为什么你变这样小气

没有啦 应该是因为之前很多小小的事情累积在心里还耿耿于怀...还在不爽咯

就知道!要怀着一份感恩喜悦的心 还有很重要好奇心 想着会看到很酷的东西就对了啦 !而且是小新的国家勒!!陪着你小学一起的小新!现在终于可以离他那么近了!不要想那么多 还有刘刘吗 还有老师 ah 
可是他们有时真的很令人讨厌咯 超不体谅的 不绅士不要紧 至少不要自大啊 而且 还有一个幼稚鬼勒
还敢讲人家幼稚 你才幼稚啊 一点点就担心这个那个 一点点就怕东怕西 怕别人怎样看你 开明一点啦 干嘛婆婆妈妈地对于一些事情看不开呢 况且他们其实心地不坏 也不是那种表面人 至少不用担心会在背后捅你一刀那种 只是偶尔会做出一些不太对劲的事 人都是有缺点的吗  每个人都还在进步的路上啊 
而且最重要的是你这里暗自不爽他们也不会知道咯 然后一个人偷偷不开心是有什么屁用你讲 没有人会因此发生什么变化咯 还影响你整个去这个trip的心情 所以过去的闷气就先算了啦 因为留着只有损害自己的内功咯

但如果真的又遇到某些人大头病还是幼稚病发作勒?哇老 又要我忍啊!会气到到内伤的叻
哎呀 如果是这样也不要被这些情绪影响接下来的心情 你的思维千万也不要因此被这些问题捆绑 
对事不对人知道吗 你的想法是可以用言语来传达的 如果觉得是对的 那想说什么就表达出来 要做什么就勇敢一点!该讲的东西还是要讲的 人与人之间的相处虽然有时候很复杂 但 放心啦 这种是可以学的 不要害怕就对了 而且上帝也会赐你智慧和勇气的  如果真的遇到什么的话可以打开这个看多一次提醒一下自己咯!
所以不要担心那些无聊的东西啦 一定会很好玩的!
好咯 希望可以记得要勇敢一点 精明一点 开朗一点 
这样那些好奇心就不会被一些无谓的情绪给吃掉了 然后应该就会很有意思吧!嘿嘿
三点了勒 很迟了啊!明天要很早回新加坡勒 要睡了啦
是咯 爸爸早都把wifi关掉了
睡先了哦 拜拜

..........就这样 ++and -- 的辩论结束了