Saturday, May 30, 2015

Actually from 1st June

我妈也说我是绿色哟!可是他跟我说的同一天的之前我做了另一个测试 却是peacock(红色)!

哈哈 我觉得两边都有准和不准的地方!

还有ndp一群朋友 虽然有时很欠打 不过对我还蛮好的

Sunday, May 17, 2015

We got a DA tuan yuan today haha
The feeling that every one is still the same is a good feeling!

What a long dayyy!!! Photohunt was fun!!!! But the different people I met everyday is just like singing yu jian the next song suddenly turn out to be anaconda
Walao heart need a lot of flexibility to withstand extreme changes haha

And Sing k is the best tradition Ever haha actually I don't really feel like joining anyone else to sing other than tradition team because it's just not the way I knew about singing k!

I appreciate what we are now!

Saturday, May 16, 2015


I just want to say I am tired of all these endless arguments!!! sibeh sien a!!
Since young, I did realized that everyone has different opinions, different perspective of view, different understandings, don't keep confuse me can or not?

whatever, I don't really care.

because everything came out from anyone's mouth is just from HUMAN, two eyes one nose, only human,
remember, it's not SUPERIOR
so anything anyone said can only just taken as 参考

Stop bullshiting my mind by trying to persuade me to buy in your thoughts, I know you are just trying to make your stand, to stand for what you believe in, but it's really damn tiring to try to figure out who makes more sense,
I am not going to believe 100% everything whoever said,
because whoever you are,
you are not the one who stand by my side when I was devastated when I was so helpless and when I don't know who to turn to, you are NOT the one who provide me strength who heal my wounds who loves me dearly who give me confidence who die for me and teach me how to love,

so whatever that whoever could say or preach, it's just a reference,
please don't expect I will believe everything you said even though how loud your voice is how determined you sound or how charismatic you are
at the end of the day, I will still pray to the ONE who truly matter for what He wants me to know.

I am damn freaking tired for all the arguments, I don't think it's kind of contributing for our lives or the world with endless debates and criticises,
ting le dou fan!!!!! because they are so many people out there who believes everything their pastor said!!!!

不要讲来讲去好吗,it's that what He really wants you to do????
反正不管你是谁 I am not at any sides, I am at "what He wants me to believe in" side

hey I know there are alot of good people and pastors out there who are really christ-like but I just really upset for those who think they know everything and expect everyone to follow what they said...

So for all the 自以为很懂 pastors out there,
sorry oh,
the one I believe is Him, not you.

Friday, May 15, 2015

Last day to teach this cute little boy Jamien but I Jing ran forgot to take photo with him... TT

19 yo!!

hi everybody!! I am nineteen le o!! I had lived in this world for 19 years!!!!!!!!!!! Hallelujah! haha
firstly I want to thank God that I can live to nineteen years old! And to do and experience so much wonderful things in this bloody world haha (because it's bloody that makes good things more precious!!)
chinese easier la

ok 我其实在前个礼拜特地把 FB birthday set as private. 故意的!
因为我真的想知道谁真的真的真的记得我的生日 哈哈

然后那些给那些记得的人!!哈哈 鼓掌!!!很开心啦~~
因为你知道 actually我家人是不会记得的。。。(我们家没有什么庆祝生日的传统) 况且fb又没有通知!
这点我非常清楚 于是上个礼拜非常特地whatsapp chat family group 跟他们说下个星期四请记得跟我说生日快乐 哈哈哈
但是到最后每个人都忘了 于是今天一早我又在chat讨生日祝福 哈哈

for those who whatsapp me or smsed me :xinhui, khor, wern, jie er, tricia, ian, albert, wee, yewbing, kaiyun jie, fenping, banana
insta de : khor, tricia, jiachyi
and fb de : wee, shiting, minghui, shijun, lfq, siaohui, ahshan, emily and others who wished after this post haha
and blog de : Khor and fenfen :DDD  fenfen haha your joke bu cuo o next time i want try if u drunk haha  khor i want to reply u please read all haha

and my classmates cute qiusi anqi for the big cat (nan de got cat to hug for whole lecture haha) and cards!!! and prem for the sweet toblerone and cake afterwards haha

and my POC group members: weiwen and peixuan for buying me gifts and really very you xin give me long letters and bian li tie my name all over me haha thanks for the sd card and shou lian and jiao lian!! and the fb posts!! and ying wei for remembering its today!
actually I just mentioned it once very cincaily I really dont know they will remember and still very you xin for it haha

who else aa... oh ya!! and my roommate teo jiaxian! who scares me by suddenly wake up from her sleep and close the light and bring a cake in! I really never expect she will do such thing lo haha
btw just finished the cake hao chi yo!!

and duno is huishan or who else who guessed my birthday is today by noticing my email is valeriechang514* haha and thanks to the group ppl who wishes me hb! also my classmates who wished me in group chat or today in school, and thanks for the weird birthday song haha
also the hockey team who sang birthday song for me and zixuan hahaha very randomly sang it

but then stupid lwq like le wee de pic hai didnt wish me!!! abit gek dao wenyu also didnt TT
or they say it in line or what? hahaha hmph!! but seriously lwq !! next time meet she jiu zhi dao gou li!!

okay back to topic.. really 谢谢你们记得! :D 真的!谢谢你们不是因为看到 fb notification 才知道的 (although some might because of posts haha nvm still thanks!!)。。
在这个乱七八糟的世界里 真心的诚意最叫人动容呀~

你们的祝福真的。。真的 让我觉得暖得不行
其实我发现生日吹蜡烛送礼物什么人随便谁都可以那么做 没什么特别的

其实生日又怎样 还不是要上课 还是有cca 还是要听很烦的thermofluid lecture

是啦 今天的行程虽然是看起来就和普通的日子一样

哈哈 我本来是很潇洒看破红尘的咯 都是你们咯 写给我的东西 害我overly感动
唉 。。我真的很感动 真的,在这个有一点特别的普通日子里,不需要什么奢侈的礼物,你们真心诚意的话语就足够满足了所有外在需求,

其实每个人所讲的都不一样 可是你知道每一个句子 都表达了很多很多我们之间的友谊 之间的了解 之间的回忆  还有那种叫人感动的真诚
TT 很像琪琪写的是我们小时候童年的回忆哈哈
tricia 写的是我们之间很久了的轰轰烈烈友情
hocier 写的是我们相处那份很重要的感情
kaiyun姐写的 是那些看了很爽很了解理解自己的话哈哈

我很想拍下来 每一个诚意的话语  可是lenovo说不行 哈哈

haih basically i think I had already replied everyone with their msg
so now I want to reply to khor eening's blog post
I tell you I really beh tahan read all in  class lo 因为有太多回忆所以有太多情绪要承担
make me really cry in class sia heng cai my 功力训练得很高强哈哈其实我每次可以在公共场合哭然后都不被发现哈哈
然后 开头你的日期错了。。哈哈

okay 真的真的。。。太多太多回忆了
我们中学真的是literally粘在一起咯!老师看到我们其中一个都会问 对方在哪里 (wah Valerie,eening leh? OR Eening, mana Valerie?)
而且又控制欲很强 整天要霸占我哈哈哈哈自己又不给我霸占。。

原来我们真的很close哈哈哈 我跟你说我真的觉得很难再遇到像你这样可以了解我的疯点和疯言疯语然后还可以很ngam一起疯的人 (还有赖琬亲)
不是前者就是后者 没有两种条件一起的人!
然后真的想到很多我们之间的回忆 做过那些无聊的事情 还揉搓你的肉体哈哈 Omg 我们以前真的是无聊到让我现在觉得我现在超正经超正常的

唉。。对咯 以前真的理所当然以为 嗯 我们就是会一直在一起的 从来从来没有想过跟你见面会变成很难的事情 = = (有想过很多人可是就是没有你)
and then 上次profile picture明明就是你

其实我到现在还是一直觉得。。我们总会有一个 会常常见面的以后
不知道为什么会这样想 就觉得我们还是会一直在一起的
其实现在我们虽然相隔遥远 可是我还是会觉得你就在只是在那里吗!
可能每次看你的blog 还是照片 还是听你讲你的故事 好像都蛮updated的 你那里的新朋友(重要的)好像都知道是谁勒 哈哈 所以要继续哦
一直觉得你就在那里 没有跑掉 在很远 可是就 还 是在那里

也许你已经是我生命里甩也甩不掉的寄生虫 而且这只臭虫还寄生在心里!

然后我也发现 就算这里认识了很多很好的朋友 每天见面 每天在一起 上课吃饭玩闹去教堂还是睡觉 是很close啦
原来不是谁都可以直接拿对方的电话开锁then随便翻电话!!!! 这点真的。。!害我超不习惯咯 害我以为只要可以抱的人都可以这样!!


哎呀 我才发现 我们以前真的很close非常close勒
每天都在一起 做什么都一起 应该你就是唯一一个跟我粘那么近的人

根本不可能再遇到一个khor sai sai 所以不可能让给别人啊

哈哈 谢谢你写的一切 我真的没有想到我可以因为这样流眼泪咯!哈哈
太感动太。。。煽情了。。。我 我受不了哈哈哈

唉真的不知道要怎样解释我们的关系lol 我觉得不是“好朋友”三个字就可以形容的

but you know that lyrics? :



:') <   rmb this? haha 

Friday, May 8, 2015


Just now a group of guys walking opposite and looking at my direction here shouted damn loud "VALERIE! VALERIE!" i thought could be the POC group but then when I lifted up my head I was shocked! Who the hell are they..!!
I looked at them with 一脸惶恐
该不会我东西掉 还是踩到屎什么的吧

Then ...yuan lai is shouting someone behind me
But xia dao laa

So Conclusion is that SIngapore de  Valeries is 多到。。。随便丢一粒石头都可以砸到 someone named Valerie...

Okay btw i just found out I lost my ezlink card plus student card before i enter the mrt station!
I lost it like... 5 hours ago?! And I just realized i lost it 15 minutes ago...! TT
Thank God that someone kind hand it over to the information office!
Thank God!

Feel so... scary for my blurness
In three weeks time I had lost my dbs atm card and these two cards in school
The DBS CARD I jing ran stuck it in the nets card holder when buying MCD  and forgot to take it out and eat dao hen shuang and then jing ran can go home then only realise while I reach admiralty
Thank God AGAIN it was another VALERIE from primers who went to search for Valerie's dbs card with VALERIE'S and Valerie's friend  hahaha
Okay is just she went to look for it with her friend and then found in mcd

It's always God protecting me haih I cannot keep on being like this I cant afford to waste stupid money eh
Cannot yi zhi zhe yang cannot take things for granted
To overcome blurness!

By 几米

时光电影院里 那个女孩 从小就爱看电影
她非常非常喜欢看电影 每天晚上都会细细地品味一番故事情节
她喜欢沉浸在故事里 她羡慕 她投入其中
她老公很积极地去实践他的梦 导演梦
但后来经不起现实的考验 梦想宣告失败



她, 选择了 从梦里醒来

诶,这个剧情和 inception 有点像哦



Sunday, May 3, 2015

copy from fen fen blog haha


The appreciation card!

the camp that I didn't want to go

i want to write my blog but I keep on facebooking
so tired!!!!!!!!!!!

the camp hor!! is really fun hahaha

thank God for preparing everything for me
i dont know i 瞎担心what la, i dan xin for so much!!!

i worried will be awkward I worried I dont know what to say
I still worried Joel wont say anything then I have to be the one who talk
but haha in the end everything turn out so good

really happy to be in the same group with them la haha although I keep got sabo!!

qianying, weiwen, nicholas, paul, ying wei, jing jie, adrian,

but sometimes I really abit pekcek when some of them say something annoying then because I am a GL 又不可以 say some childish thing to fight back hahahhaa feichang gang kor
EQ test like that leh u  know
i think i still 修炼不够 la!

hahaha but hor I really bi jiao xiang be their friends rather than GL hahaha guan dong guan xi so mafan
first three are actually Penangist
they have very thick Malaysians 的味道!! friendly and enthu and easygoing (gen wo yi yang xD)
and that guy actually quite cute haha my vege but of course I never say and he never can know this!!
then others very good also and easy to talk to la
I think we really get quite close throughout this camp hahaha
they even jio me to sing k with them leh! abit shock sia hahaha I think they dont really see me as GL also they see me as one of them la!!
before going back right we have this session for appreciation, which is every members have to write something for every members

 haha that cute guy even wrote I am special (at first i still happy then he continue) because you are the first GL that dont look like GL but freshies!

lol... happy because they see me as their friend
sad because I failed for being a 正统的 GL la!!

and they wrote mine very long hahaha make me so touch sia and quite 飘飘然 hahaha although I dont think I am really that good
( the appreciation card the other post)

for others some are quite quiet and I know at first they must be thinking our games and cheers are so stupid and childish (because that was what I thought at first too)
then after we mixed around, play together they also start to do the cheer move also leh!! so happy!! even though the actions are really DAMN palia ( sorry Maggie and other leaders haha)

actually have quite a lot of fun these two days, the first camp that make me feel really fun leh!
the past camp always like..okay okay nia, maybe this camp you really can feel the members are bonded together la
making me really forgot tomorrow I still have school, still have a normal monday awaiting for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and the games really hen hao wan hahahaha even I am not a freshies still there's need a lot of GL participation! especially water game and today got a game is like have to pass down a message with a mouthful of water
then really laugh till everyone stomach ache haha even Joel who dont usually laugh also hahahaha
you can see alot 喷泉 and alien words

okay in conclusion I really thank God for giving me this opportunity, You know that I keep on thinking I cant and I am very not confident in myself and then you gave me this chance, then struggled to accept, after accepting, I fear, I am really scared, because I am just too insecure, but then You just plan everything for me,
and you show me I actually can!

it's really a different experience for me la, a memorable one, and a good one!
you just gonna give it a try!